Camping 101
Every rank in Cub Scouts participates in outdoor adventures. From a one foot hike to a five mile hike Cub Scouts learn about their natural surroundings and how to be responsible outdoor citizens.
Cub Scout Pack 1967 hosts annual family overnight campouts in the spring and fall at locations approved by our local council. Camping in Cub Scouts is a family-centric activity. Pack 1967 follows all applicable guidelines for campouts, including the Guide to Safe Scouting and Age Appropriate Guidelines for Camping.
The Pack and participating Dens organize activities and provide the main meals at campouts. Cub Scouts camp at campgrounds that have indoor bathrooms and running water within a short walk of the campsite. Typical campsites have a picnic area with tables and fire rings.
You can find an exhaustive list of items to consider when packing for a campout at: However, you do not need to bring all of the items on this list to a Pack campout. For example, Pack and Den leaders will bring most of the cooking equipment.
At minimum, you will need to bring the following with you on a Pack campout:
Tent (+ ground cover if needed)
Sleeping bag + pad + pillow (+ blankets)
Change of clothes + socks + PJs
Cold / rainy weather gear
Scout Uniform
Toiletry Items
Bug spray / sun screen / small first aid kit
Camp chairs
Snacks and water
Always check the weather forecast and bring anything you think you may need. New campers are often surprised about how chilly it can get at night. An extra layer of clothes and an extra blanket are always a good call.